IPv6 Disable Tool - Free Command-line Software to Enable or Disable IPv6 on Windows
IPv6 Disable Tool
See Also
IPv6 Disable is the free command-line tool to quickly Enable or Disable IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) on your Windows system.

It automatically checks for the current status of IPv6 and then enable/disable it accordingly.

It is simple & easy to use tool. Also being a command-line based tool makes it perfect for automation and to use on remote systems.

It works on both 32 bit & 64 bit versions and tested successfully on all platforms starting from Windows Vista to Windows 8.

How to use?

IPv6 Disable is very easy to use tool. Since it is command-line/console based tool, you have to launch it from the command prompt (cmd.exe).

Also it require ADMIN privileges. Hence you have run the Command prompt as Administrator.

Here is the simple usage information

IPv6Disable.exe [-e | -d | -s | -h]
//Enable IPv6 on Windows System
IPv6Disable.exe -e
//Disable IPv6 on Windows System
IPv6Disable.exe -d
//Display the current Status of IPv6
IPv6Disable.exe -s
//Show this help screen
IPv6Disable.exe -h
Here is the screenshot that shows disabling IPv6 on Windows 8 system.
IPv6Disable in Action
Known Issues
After you disable IPv6 on your system, you will still see that Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) check box for network adapter is ticked as shown below. This is expected behavior as per the Microsoft.
IPv6Disable in Action
Release History
Version 1.5: 17th Oct 2013
Added new feature to display the current status of IPv6
Version 1.0: 7th Aug 2013
First public release of IPv6Disable
FREE Download IPv6 Disable v1.5

License  : Freeware
Platform : Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008, Windows 8

See Also