Windows Auto Reboot : Command-line Tool to Enable or Disable Automatic Reboot on Windows
Windows Auto Reboot
See Also
Windows Auto Reboot is the command-line tool quickly enable or disable Automatic Reboot setting on your Windows system.

Normally when Windows NT system crashes it shows a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) screen and requires manual reboot. This is not good for most server based applications (like Web, Mail or Directory) as it will disrupt user services. In such cases, we need to have automatic reboot enabled.

On the other hand, some of the recent systems (Vista, Windows 7, 8 etc) automatically reboot after the crash. However if the system is crashed due to remote exploit attack then you may not want it to reboot so that you will know what has happened. Also to prevent any further hacker attacks which may become successful leading to complete compromise of the system.

In both cases, Windows Auto Reboot tool will help you to easily Enable/Disable autoreboot setting as per your needs.

Being a command-line tool makes it easy to use on remote systems and also automate through scripts.

It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows NT to Windows 8.

How to use?

Windows Auto Reboot is very easy to use tool. Since it is command-line/console based tool, you have to launch it from the command prompt (cmd.exe).

Also you need to have Administrator privileges to enable/disable it. In such cases make sure you run cmd prompt as Administrator.

Here is the simple usage information

WindowsAutoReboot [1 | 0 | -s | -h]
// Enable Automatic Reboot on Your System
WindowsAutoReboot.exe 1
// Disable Automatic Reboot on Your System
WindowsAutoReboot.exe 0
//Show Current Status of 'Automatic Reboot' setting
WindowsAutoReboot.exe -s
//Show this help screen
WindowsAutoReboot.exe -h
Here is the screenshot showing quick enabling of AutoReboot on windows system.
WindowsAutoReboot in Action
Release History
Version 1.5: 18th July 2013
Added feature to check the current status of Automatic Reboot setting
Version 1.0: 18th May 2013
First public release of WindowsAutoReboot
FREE Download Windows Auto Reboot v1.5

License  : Freeware
Platform : Windows NT, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

See Also